
  大自然是不可预测的,对于天气因素的考量,在设计和建造建筑物时是重中之重。无论是疾风暴雨还是暴风雪和飓风,Kawneer设计开发的AA®3200 ISOWEB®推拉门,都能应对各种气候挑战。


  AA®3200 ISOWEB®推拉门采用现代时尚的五金配件,干净的外观线条,抗噪声和多种灵活的配置选项,是您下一个高端项目的理想选择,适用于住宅、酒店和办公楼宇。其兼顾美学与功能性,应对各种气候挑战,引领行业标杆。







  Mother Nature can be unpredictable, and the effects of weather are constant considerations when designing and constructing buildings. Whether it’s rain, wind, blizzards or hurricane conditions, Kawneer has designed the AA®3200 ISOWEB® Sliding Door to meet the challenges of thermal, coastal and hurricane resistant conditions.


  With contemporary hardware, clean sightlines, sound resistance and endless configuration options, AA®3200 ISOWEB® Sliding Door is the perfect choice for your next high-end project. Balancing form with function, this sliding door stands up to the elements while standing out in the industry.

  Product features:

Available in both High Performance (AA®3200HP) and Hurricane Resistant (AA®3200IR) versions

Ease of operation on even the largest and heaviest sliding panels

Unique beveled profiles create aesthetically pleasing architectural shadow lines

A 2-1/4" standard sill provides an aesthetically pleasing smaller sightline at the interior to exterior transition

Tested to meet multiple North American performance standards